Spurensuche Menschen im Krieg
SpurensucheMenschen im Krieg

Leseempfehlung: Bournemouth in the Second World War

Bournemouth und der Zweite Weltkrieg 1939 - 1945.
Erstveröffentlichung 1994, zweite Auflage 1999. Der Autor Mike Edgington hat verfügt, dass die Online-Version seines Buches als PDF-Dokument  zum Gebrauch für Studien- und Lehrzwecke frei zugänglich ist. Es darf auf keinen Fall vervielfältigt und zu wirtschaftlichen Zwecken verwendet werden.Das Copyright bleibt immer im Eigentum des Autors.


The Author

M.A. Edgington was born in Bournemouth and educated at the Collegiate and Bournmouth Schools. He qualified as an Associate of the Library Assiciation having started his career as a Librairian with Bournemouth Library Service. He also worked in the Municipal College Library then moved to Hampshire County Library's Ringwood branch. In 1973 he returned to Bournemouth taking up the post of Reference Librarian at the Landsowne Library, retiring in 1991. Bournemouth local history has always been one of his interests and he has written two other pamplets, both published by the Bournemouth Local Studies Publications, entitled "Bournemouth and the First World War" (1985) and "Citizen-soldiers" (1988).


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